Veritas Medical Solutions LTD, 
20 - 22 Wenlock Road,
N1 7GU

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 9:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 11:00 - 20:00
Sunday: 12:00 - 17:00

Basic Health and Safety

  • Duration: 1/2 Days (3Hrs)
  • Class size per instructor: 12 people (Maximum)
  • Certificate: certificates are valid for 3 years
This course is most suited to:

This course is suitable for all staff members.

Group Booking?

This is an ideal course for all employees especially new staff to develop an understanding of the importance of health and safety and how to keep themselves and others free from harm in the workplace.


This course introduces the importance of health and safety and employees responsibilities.

It is a legal requirement for employers to provide health and safety training to their employees.

This Basic Health and Safety course is designed for employees of all levels and is particularly suited to new workers who are required to take health and safety induction training at the start of their employment.

The course will give you a basic understanding of general health and safety practices so that you can work together with your employer to ensure control measures effectively remove hazards and reduce risks to a minimum.

If you have already taken induction level training, and need to maintain or build on your existing knowledge, then it’s recommended that you take the Health & Safety in the Workplace course.

We can come and deliver this training at your workplace where you have the flexibility of starting the course as early as you would like or alternatively you can request a later start on a date of your choice that suits you and your staff.

Each student will receive a colourful, comprehensive manual and a certificate that will be valid for 3 years.

Assessment: You will be required to successfully complete a short multiple choice paper to qualify for your certificate.